Dearest Coll,
Where do I start..there aren’t enough words to say how I feel..but I’ll start with Thank You.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your encouragement, support, kindness and guidance!
Every day spent with you has been an absolute pleasure (sometimes there’s been physical pain 🙂 but it’s always been good!!!
I’ve enjoyed Bootcamp so much and I am loving being fit and healthy!
You are the most amazing person and continue to inspire and motivate me and everyone around you. The enthusiasm, kindness and positive outlook you have on people, nature and everyday things is so inspiring!
I wish you all the very best on this new path you are taking and know you will make a success of whatever comes your way.
No matter where you are or where life leads us, you will always have my friendship and will forever be in my heart.
May you always have Peace of Mind, Happiness in your Heart and Love in Your Soul.
All my love,