Personal Trainer & GROUNDED Foodie

Colleen Burger


Dearest Coll,

Where do I start..there aren’t enough words to say how I feel..but I’ll start with Thank You.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your encouragement, support, kindness and guidance!

Every day spent with you has been an absolute pleasure (sometimes there’s been physical pain 🙂 but it’s always been good!!!

I’ve enjoyed Bootcamp so much and I am loving being fit and healthy!
You are the most amazing person and continue to inspire and motivate me and everyone around you. The enthusiasm, kindness and positive outlook you have on people, nature and everyday things is so inspiring!

I wish you all the very best on this new path you are taking and know you will make a success of whatever comes your way.

No matter where you are or where life leads us, you will always have my friendship and will forever be in my heart.

May you always have Peace of Mind, Happiness in your Heart and Love in Your Soul.

All my love,

BOOT CAMP with Colleen Burger – by Justine aka Tarty!

Wow – what to say! The best part about exercising has been you, Colleen, whom we are going to miss dearly. You have always been encouraging, patient and understanding and you explain the exercises and help with all our complaints of injuries / strains and put up with my whining about cardio which I hate!!

You are always on top form and in a good mood and laugh a lot and we are at loss to understand how you manage to maintain that calm demeanor when you are up every single day starting training from 5h30 to 6h30 and then again every evening – five days a week! You manage to balance this with always looking fresh and happy and still finding time to sort your working day and family commitments.

All in all Colleen you are just such a lovely, kind, caring wholesome person – We are going to miss you Colleen and my final closing for you is that I pray that you will continue to be a light to those around you.


Dear Colleen,

Thank you so much for your dedication to getting us to exercise and for making it such fun. How you managed to make us bear crawl and do worms and planks is beyond me!

It has been lovely getting to know you over the last 2 years. You have such enthusiasm and genuine concern for people no matter what you are going through.

My prayer for you is that you walk into the fullness of everything that God wants for you. You deserve so much happiness Colleen and I hope that this new season is full of good things for you.

I will never forget not being able to raise my arms to brush my hair and almost dying in my sports bra due to sore muscles!!! And as for the “this is for public toilets” exercise I still laugh every time I go into a public loo!

You made us laugh when our muscles were crying and you even managed to get me to run and I will always be grateful!

You are a women of strength and grace Colleen and I pray that you know how precious you are to God and how loved you are. We are going to miss you!

Lots of love,

Some years ago my right leg was amputated above the knee and, after I finally had a prosthesis fitted, I required training to improve my fitness, balance and general wellbeing, both physical and mental. Over the years Colleen has taken me, step by step through a series of programmes with patience, kindness, and steely determination which have helped me through some very difficult times. Without our twice weekly sessions I wouldnot be where I am now.
PS I am now 74 years old !!!


Dear Colleen,

From the beginning it’s been awesome to have an ‘almost-personal trainer’ in an outdoor and fun environment! You’ve kept me active when I was threatening to join the league of the serious couch potatoes. It’s been just the best, and I’m not really sure how to face exercise without you in future … Who’s going to listen to me bemoaning the lost weights and stolen mats?? Sigh.

I really have enjoyed the bootcamp stint, Colleen. Thank-you. And I’m certainly not alone. I don’t know anyone who hasn’t enjoyed it, no matter how few or how many they’ve done.

I know things will turn out well in Jhb. But if you get homesick and can convince the gang to return, you do know where to find some enthusiastic campers.

Thanks for everything

When I first came for a trial session with Colleen Burger, she described her work as encouraging her clients to move towards having a healthier “lifestyle “.  That is what drew me to her and it is exactly what I am achieving. I have been overweight, sluggish and generally feeling unhealthy for at least 11 to 12 years.

Under Colleen’s guidance I have come to understand what my body needs to function at its absolute best in order to help me sustain a happy successful existence. Who would have thought that my physical health would contribute in such a direct way to my overall focus and general performance?

I have gone from being frustrated and angry with my body to being excited and motivated by it! I can’t wait to see what it will show me is possible!

It is so great to work with a trainer like Colleen who delivers and takes time to understand you and your temperament so that she is able to naturally shift you out of your comfort zone into your untapped potential.

Forever grateful and inspired.


My motivation 8 months ago to join Body Balance was an ongoing back pain. Colleen’s knowledge and ability to adapt exercise to improve specific body muscles has all but eliminated my problem. The bonus weight and centimetre loss as well, as as well as body fat and muscle mass, has made me feel so much better physically.

Thank you Colleen!


We are now on Facebook – please visit our page: Body Balance – Colleen