Personal Trainer & GROUNDED Foodie

Colleen Burger


This is one-on-one personal training with a difference. Your goal = our motivation. In this private facility, our goal is to motivate you, as  you journey towards your new way of life.

We approach your training in a holistic manner.

We are equipped to handle all health and fitness levels due to our vast experience and this ensures that your health, fitness, strength and flexibility goals, are met and satisfied. We will journey with you, as together we learn what best suits you and your body’s needs and will serve you for the rest of your life..

We will assist you in finding a lifestyle balance with body, mind and spirit

As my qualifications cover injury and pre-surgery prep to post surgery rehabilitation, pre-post natal training, boot camp instruction and general health and wellness with the discipline from a martial arts background, I am well equipped to handle all health and fitness levels.


Your strength exercises include Body Weight, Tacfit, Tabata, TRX’s, BOSUs, Kettlebells, General Free Weights, Pilates balls and a few others I will leave as a surprise.

We will measure you once a month and generally weigh once a week to keep you on track. If need be we will then adjust your programme both exercise and eating accordingly.

We also ensure you will have fun whilst aiming for your goals – you work hard, but fun must always be had to ensure continuity of making exercise a part of your lifestyle and helping you keep the balance.

We are now on Facebook – please visit our page: Body Balance – Colleen