Personal Trainer & GROUNDED Foodie

Colleen Burger


GROUNDED brings you back to earth with nutrition and a balanced lifestyle.

Our recipes are vegetarian and vegan based.

If you choose to add meat to these meals, I do suggest you try to remain as hormone free and free range as possible, in respect of animals, the planet and your body.

Grounded meals contain no preservatives nor additives. They are made from fresh ingredients straight from our kitchen to your table. Choosing GROUNDED means less waste of all those carefully selected fresh herbs and vegetables that you bought at the beginning of the week with all the best intentions. These meals are a taste bud festival and you will no doubt realise a vegetarian meal does not have to be a plate of steamed broccoli. The after effect of these delectable dishes will keep you wondering if they are healthy…….they are!

We have an array of dips, soups, veggie burgers and meals to please your palate. And don’t forget to try our detox drink to keep your body in an alkaline and balanced state.

You can either collect your order or we can deliver it to your door – please request delivery quote when placing the order. We will constantly be adding to and updating our menu as we invent new ways of providing you with culinary delights. And watch out for our SPECIALS!

Please WA your order to 082-458 3541 or email (on home page). Then sms your p.o.p. Once payment is received we will get cooking on your order.

“One day everyone will feel a sense of holistic balance when the earth touches their bare feet.

This will encompass the true meaning of being grounded”






Please WA your order to 082-458 3541 or email (on home page). Then sms your p.o.p. Once payment is received we will get cooking on your order.