Personal Trainer & GROUNDED Foodie

Colleen Burger


I believe in living life to the fullest. You do not need to enter “Miss Fitness” (although goals are important) or bungee jump off the Storms River Bridge (bucket lists are important too!)

To me, living life to the fullest means taking the positive out of each day and seeing your challenges as adding to your current strengths.

When life dealt me the hand of Breast Cancer, I knew the challenges ahead would be tough. Drawing on my positive nature allowed me to keep all in perspective and still count my daily blessings

This is the only moment of which we are guaranteed – take the time to appreciate our beautiful earth.
There is no better way to do so than getting out there and exercising. I do not require an ipod, I love the sound of nature, but if an ipod is what you need then you go for it!

My passion is assisting others in finding the balance between fitness, nutrition, health and making positive lifestyle changes. My aim is to encourage every-one to find that something inside them, that they did not even know existed.

That something that allows you to run that extra block or marathon, to do just one more push-up or maybe ten, to have full mobility of your entire body therefore adding value to your life.

And if I didn’t say this my clients would be disappointed…….I will help you find your “Happy Place”

So come and join me on this journey of finding the balance, feel the release of endorphins that makes that daily grind of life disappear.

You won’t regret it!



Qualified Personal Fitness Trainer (ETA) – Pre & Post Natal Exercise Instructor (HFPA)

We are now on Facebook – please visit our page: Body Balance – Colleen