Personal Trainer & GROUNDED Foodie

Colleen Burger

Find Your Balance

Exercise your Body, Mind & Soul

Nourish your Body with GROUNDED meals


Each day we embark on a never ending quest to achieve equilibrium. We strive to work hard, play hard and  “balance” this out with family time.


BUT, in doing so, we sacrifice the BODY –
the very tool we rely on each day to assist us in finding the balance


DO it because YOU can Challenge yourself- push harder than you did yesterday. Respect your body – you only have ONE


Never lose your sense of humour – HAVE FUN!


Read on my blog, how my positivity in life was put to the test when I became a statistic of Breast Cancer.


Survival is possible with a strong mind and strong body


Find out about our one-on-one Personal Training in Private Gym facilities. Sign up to our exclusive Newsletter with weekly recipes, nutrition and exercise facts plus personalized exercise plans and more.


Sign up here for your own Virtual Personal Trainer – we offer Gym/Home Fitness Training Programmes as well as Nutritional, Lifestyle and Fitness screening and FREE online advice.